If you want to give your home that splendid look with an easy-to-grow and beautiful succulent, go for the String of Pearls Flowering (Senecio rowleyanus). The houseplant’s carefree growth habit can provide a unique look and feel in your home. Naturally designed to sprawl over the container edges or hanging baskets, this specie of the succulent plant looks more like a beaded necklace designed with fleshy green, foliage in pea form.

Picture via wayfair
What Is The String of Pearls Flowering?
This succulent is also fondly referred to as the rosary string of beads and lots of people like its creeping form of growth and strange-looking appearance. No wonder many people have it in their indoor gardens. However, some people are not fascinated by the flower though finding it is not commonly available like others. The faint white bloom of this bead-like flower together with its cinnamon smell charms many people.
Besides, the houseplant takes a short time to grow as it spreads easily. It is a natural and beautiful decoration to choose from for your home. Growing and taking proper care of your string of pearls flowering can be quite easy and fun if you follow the care tips we will explain below.
Lighting Tips For The String Of Pearls
Providing bright indirect light your indoor string of pearls flowering energizes and helps them grow easily and bloom. When grown outdoors, keep them in a shaded area. Exposing them to direct sunlight in the morning would do too. Indoor succulents would also welcome strong natural light penetrating through the window. That’s why their best position inside the house is near the window. Exposing them to direct sunlight will only result in sunburn. The burning in such cases happens so fast and easily.
The temperature level in your area determines how easy succulents can burn when exposed to direct sunlight. A houseplant like succulents should better stay near the South or West window. Also, choosing an ultra-hot area beside the South or West window would be a smart idea as it will prevent the plant from sunburn. Always move your string of pearls flowering to a much brighter area of your house in darker, cooler months. If you live in a house with inadequate light, get a fluorescent light fixed and put them 6 – 12 inches under it and ensure that they spend 12- 16 hours in the light every day.

Picture via beardsanddaisies
What Temperature Is Best For The String Of Pearls
To keep the String of Pearls indoor, the house should have an average temperature range of 70 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Cool temperatures during winter mean your indoor temperature for this houseplant should be about 55 – 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Note that drafty areas or air-conditioned areas do not favor this unique plant. Avoid opening the window because your flower may lose its leaves. Also, frost is not good for String of Pearls and so, make sure you move the plant indoors in winter.
What Amount And Type Of Potting Soil Is Best For The String Of Pearls
Also, it is vital to let the crowns of the pearls rest at the brim of the pot or a 0.5 – 1 inch level below the top as determined by the amount of soil you put in the pot. That is a way to avoid a decrease in aeration as well as a situation that allows wet soil to cause the rotting of the plant’s crowns and stems. Taking care of string of pearls flowering is easy and any succulent potting soil is ideal for a start especially the more preferable sandy soil. A mixture that includes good potting soil in 3 parts and sharp sand in1 is perfect.
Are your succulents dying? Do you need urgent help to keep them alive? Don’t worry! This ebook will solve the problems. I shared all my secrets related to how to water succulents with you.
How To Water String Of Pearls
You do not have to overwater the string of pearls flowering else you will ruin them. Watering them only one time after every two weeks is deal. If you want to be sure that you are not overwatering your plant, be sure that the soil is 1.2cm dry (half an inch) after every two weeks. Reducing the watering to once a month during winter is a great cut back. Most people have grown String of Pearls indoor than outdoor. Watering an outdoor garden depends on the hotness of the area as you will have to adjust how often you water them and also, rain may do the job for you.
How To Apply Fertilizer On The String Of Pearls
The amount of fertilizer succulents need is moderate else the plant will die. Spring and mid-summer is the ideal time to fertilize the plant one time every 2 or 4 weeks. During the fall and winter, there is no need for fertilizer. Weakening the fertilizer will also help to make it less harsh for the plant.
What Are The Flowers Like?
When String of Pearls blooms, it produces little white flowers that have a cinnamon-like aroma. The best way to treat flowers in spring is to curtail the watering and maintain them in a steady 60-degree temperature in winter. The cool and dry winter condition encourages blooming when summer comes. Such blooming takes 1 month.
How To Spread String of Pearls
The roots of String of Pearls are shallow and easy to grow new roots, especially with the use of cuttings. With healthy long cuttings placed lightly on the soil, you will spread the plant as its roots grow from the cuttings. Another method is to strip a few leaves and put the stem in the soil. Inside the soil, the nodes will grow roots if you keep the soil moist until the plant begins growing.
What Precautions Are Needed Against The Plant’s Toxins?
Sap from String of Pearls contains toxins that are harmful to humans and pets. Human contact with the sap can result in skin irritation or dermatitis. For animals that end up swallowing sap from this succulent, they can develop lethargy, a form of fatigue.
Keeping your children and pets far from the plant should be your priority. Make sure this unique and lovely plant that adds to the beauty of your décor or home garden remains a beautiful sight in your home instead of a source of harm to your children or pets.